World Revolution - The Plot Against Civilization written by Nesta Webster (1922)
The book details the traces
the causes of the French Revolution of 1789 and the Russian Revolution of
1917. The key players are the
conspirators against civilisation; against all decent values.
To summerise with three quotes
from this book –
burning of enemies of the powers of this world just created martyrs; it was realised that societies values had to be changed - distorted,
twisted - a process which has been continuing for a very long time.”
on his part suspected that secrets were being
from him by the chiefs of the Haute Vente, and
assailed by the same fears, wrote from London
1835 to Dr. Breidenstein these significant words:
form an association of brothers in all points of the globe, we have desires and
interests in common...we wish to break every kind of yoke, yet there is one
that is unseen, that can hardly be felt, yet that weighs on us. Whence comes
it? Where is it? No one knows, or at least no one tells. The association is
secret, even for us, the veterans of secret societies.”
Let the words of Barruel,
uttered in the face of the same peril a hundred and twenty-five years ago, ring
in our ears today:
“Cease to natter yourselves.
The danger is certain, it is continual, it is terrible, it threatens you all
without exception. Keep yourselves, however, from giving way to that kind of terror
which is only cowardice and discouragement; for, with all the certainty of the danger, I
say to you none the less - will to be saved and you will be saved...One cannot
triumph over a nation that resolves to defend itself. Know how to will as they do
and you will have nothing more to fear from them."
then, in the face of all this evidence — evidence
as we shall see later, other Freemasons confirmed — is it possible to deny the
influence of illuminized Freemasonry on the French Revolution? How can we doubt
the truth of those terrible words of Barruel which the subsequent history of
the world and, above all, its situation to-day has surely justified:
thought the Revolution ended in France, and the Revolution in France was only
the first attempt of the Jacobins. In the desires of a terrible and formidable
sect, you have only reached the first stage of the plans it has formed for that
general Revolution which is to overthrow all thrones, all altars, annihilate all
property, efface all law and end by dissolving all society.”
not Weishaupt declared : " This revolution shall be
work of the Secret Societies, and that is one of our great mysteries " ?
from Piccolo Tigre, 1822 to the Haute Vente Piedmontaise [secret society]:
find oneself a member of a lodge, to feel oneself apart from one's wife and
children, called upon to guard a secret which is never confided to one, is for
certain natures a delight and an ambition.”
form, without knowing it, our preparatory novitiate.”
As the letter continues,
the following is reminiscent of modern ‘social politics, espoused by
politicians, ALL media, university lecturers, etc. Read the ‘mantra’ of modern 21st
century society - written in a letter by conspirators 200 years ago (T.R)
discourse without end upon the dangers of fanaticism, upon the happiness of
social equality and upon the grand principles of religious liberty. They launch
amidst their feastings thundering anathemas against intolerance and
persecution. This is positively more than we require to make adepts. A man
imbued with these fine things is not very far from us. There is nothing more
required than to enlist him.”
was thus by systematic demoralization that the leaders of the Haute Vente, like
the Illuminati, hoped to establish their ascendancy over the "peoples of
Nesta Webster fails to tell us
who she is quoting in this next exert from her book:(T.R)
at this new crisis in the history of the working Classes there was no one to point the way, no one who had
the insight and the courage to rise and declare: ‘The great experiment of 1789
to 1794 has proved a failure, the principles on which it was founded have been
weighed in the balance and found wanting, the goals it set before us have
turned out to be mirages towards which we have marched too long with bleeding
feet, the methods it employed were atrocious and must never be repeated, the men
who led it were the enemies of the people and such as they shall never deceive
us again. There is no hope for suffering humanity but to repudiate the
Revolution and all its works, and to strike out a fresh path with new hopes, new
aims founded not on the dreams of visionaries or the schemes of demagogues but
on the true desires of the people.’”
Nester Webster follows this quote
by reflecting upon the Russian (Bolshovic) Revolution of 1917: (T.R)
of rallying the people by such a trumpet-call
this, the men who now arose had nothing better to offer than the worn-out creed
of their revolutionary predecessors.
doctrines that had proved fallacious, the visions
had turned out to be delusions, the battle-cries that had led the people to
disaster were all to be again revived with the same assurance as if in the past
they had been attended with triumphant success.
that the mind rather than the body should be the point of attack:
murders of which our people render themselves guilty in France, Switzerland,
and also in Italy," writes Vindex [code name] to Nubius [code name], "are for us a
shame and a remorse...we are too advanced to content ourselves with such means...our
predecessors in Carbonarism did not understand their power. It is not in the
blood of an isolated man or even of a traitor that it must be exercised; it is
on the masses...Let us...never cease to corrupt.
[code name] was right in saying
that the blood of martyrs was the seed of not let us make martyrs,
but let us popularise vice amongst the multitudes. Let them breathe it in by
their five senses, let them drink it, let them be saturated in it...make
vicious hearts. Keep the priest away from labour, from the altar, from
virtue...make him lazy, and gourmand. You will thus have a thousand times
better accomplished your task than if you had blunted the point of your
stiletto upon the bones of some poor wretches.
is corruption en masse that we have undertaken; the
of the people by the clergy and the corruption of the clergy by ourselves; the
corruption that ought one day to put the Church in her tomb. The best dagger
with which to strike the Church is corruption. To the work, then, even to the
very end."
on his part suspected that secrets were being
from him by the chiefs of the Haute Vente, and
assailed by the same fears, wrote from London
1835 to Dr. Breidenstein these significant words:
form an association of brothers in all points of the globe, we have desires and
interests in common, we aim at the emancipation of humanity, we wish to break
every kind of yoke, yet there is one that is unseen, that can hardly be felt,
yet that weighs on us. Whence comes it? Where is it? No one knows, or at least
no one tells. The association is secret, even for us, the veterans
of secret societies.”
Bakunin proposing his
favourite toast, "To the
destruction of all law and
order and the unchaining of
evil passions!"
...we have definite evidence,
for the Socialist Malon, who was a member of the Internationale and personally acquainted with the
Russian Anarchist, has
explicitly stated that "
Bakunin was a disciple of Weishaupt." It is only necessary to study the
writings of Bakunin in order to recognize the truth of this statement.
We have only to
compare the programme of the International Social Democratic Alliance with the
plan of Weishaupt to recognize the evident connection between the two. Placed
in parallel columns the aims of both will be seen to be identical:
The order of the Illuminati abjured Christianity. ... In
the lodges death was declared an eternal sleep; patriotism and loyalty were called narrow minded prejudices incompatible with universal benevolence; further, they accounted all
princes usurpers and tyrants, and all
privileged orders as their
They meant to abolish the laws which protected property
accumulated by long-continued and successful industry; and
to prevent for the future any
such accumulation. They intended to establish universal liberty
and equality, the imprescriptible rights of man, and as
preparation for all this they intended to root out all religion and
morality, and even to break
the bonds of domestic life by
destroying the veneration for marriage vows, and by taking the
education of children out of the hands of the parents.
The Alliance professes
Atheism. It aims at the abolition of religious services, the
replacement of belief by knowledge and divine by human justice, the abolition of marriage as a political, religious, and
civic arrangement. Before all, it
aims at the definite and complete abolition of all classes and
the political, economic, and
equality of the individual of either sex. The abolition of
All children to be brought up on a uniform
so that artificial
inequalities may disappear. It aims directly at the
triumph of the cause of labour over
It repudiates so-called patriotism and the rivalry of nations and desires the universal association of all local associations by means of freedom. The final aim of this society was "to accelerate the universal revolution." pp198
It repudiates so-called patriotism and the rivalry of nations and desires the universal association of all local associations by means of freedom. The final aim of this society was "to accelerate the universal revolution." pp198
In the Alliance of Bakunin, as
in the Communist Manifesto of Marx,
we find again all the points of Weishaupt — abolition of property, inheritance,
marriage and all morality, of patriotism and all religion. Is it not obvious that the plan had been handed down to
the succeeding groups of Socialists and Anarchists by the secret societies
which had carried on the traditions of the Illuminati, and that Bakunin, and
still more his coadjutor Netchaieff, was simply an Illuminatus?
The revolutionary must let
nothing stand between him and the work of destruction.
For him exists only one single pleasure, one single consolation, one reward, one satisfaction — the success of the revolution. Night and day he must have but one thought, but one aim — implacable destruction. If he continues to live in this world it is only in order to annihilate it all the more surely.
For him exists only one single pleasure, one single consolation, one reward, one satisfaction — the success of the revolution. Night and day he must have but one thought, but one aim — implacable destruction. If he continues to live in this world it is only in order to annihilate it all the more surely.
On the French Revolution: (T.R)
For this reason no reforms
were to be advocated; on
the contrary, "every
effort is to be made to heighten and increase the evil and sorrows which will
at length wear out the patience of the people and encourage an insurrection en
The second category of the
association was therefore to be composed of
"people to whom we concede life provisionally in order
that by a series of monstrous acts they may drive the people into inevitable
revolt." p198
Bakunin...arrived at the
conclusion that in order to found a serious and indestructible society one must
take for a basis the policy of Machiavelli, and adopt in full
the system of the Jesuits — bodily violence and a lying soul:
"Truth, mutual
confidence, serious and severe solidarity exist only between about ten
individuals who form the sanctum sanctorum of the society. All the rest must
serve as a blind instrument and as matter to be exploited by the hands of these
ten men really solidarized. It is permitted, and even ordered, that one should deceive them,
compromise them, steal from them, and even if needs be ruin them — they are
conspiracy fodder.."
Bakunin describes methods used
within secret societies: (T.R)
If you have introduced him to
a friend, his first thought will be to raise discord, gossip and intrigue
between you — in a word, to make you quarrel. Your friend has a wife, a
daughter, he will try to seduce her, to give her a child, in order to drag her
away from official morality and
throw her into an attitude of forced revolutionary protest against society. All
personal ties, all friendship are considered by them as an evil which it is
their duty to destroy, because all this constitutes a force which, being outside
the secret organization, diminishes the unique force of the latter. Do not cry out
that I am exaggerating; all this has been amply developed and proved by me.”
It will be seen that all these
were the exact principles and methods laid down by Weishaupt for the
practical problems of industry
had been abandoned and
the Internationale became
simply an engine of warfare
against civilization.
Rabaud de St. Etienne's:
"Everything, yes, everything must be destroyed, since everything must be remade."
The "equality of the
sexes" was a fundamental doctrine
of Nihilism which, as the Pere
Deschamps points out,
is only another expression for
the destruction of family life:
"According to the
Nihilists, men and women live together in little groups
where all is in common. In order to be wholly independent the woman must
herself provide her livelihood." Maternity being an inequality of nature,
"the Nihilist woman therefore willingly abandons her offspring.”
On the Russian Revolution of
A Russian who had been
imprisoned under the Bolsheviks wrote to me after
reading my French Revolution: "Your book...seems to be the diary of our
own revolution, so thoroughly well have our apes learnt their roles...everybody
in Russia knew by heart that bloody era, though many of the actors hardly knew
how to sign their names!"
On the French and Russian
...both systems are founded on
the same doctrines —those of Illuminism, and that the plan now at work in
Russia has been handed down through the secret societies to the present day. The
Bolshevik revolution has in fact followed out the code of Weishaupt in every
point — the abolition of monarchy, abolition of patriotism, abolition of
private property and of inheritance, abolition of marriage and morality, and abolition of all religion.
On the last two points queries
will be raised. Has the
Bolshevik Government
officially abolished marriage? No;
simply because it has not
dared to do so, but its intentions in this respect are made quite clear in the
pamphlet of Madame Kolontay, the friend of Lenin, Communism and the Family, in
which it is explained that the old form of "indissoluble marriage" is
to give place to "the free and honest union of men and women who are
lovers and comrades — that is to say simply to free love."
In this matter the Bolsheviks
go much further than
Babeuf, who does not touch on
the community of women,
although he is no less
insistent on the necessity for the break-up of the family by taking away the
children from their parents.
The English Communist, Mr.
Bertrand Russell, has described the idea formulated by Madame Kolontay more or
less vaguely — so as not to alarm Western mothers — as he saw it in operation
during his stay in Russia, Note this passage from Mr. Russell's book:
“It is necessary first to
admit that children should be delivered up almost entirely to the State.
Nominally, the mother still comes to see her child in these schools, but in
actual fact, the drafting of children to the country must intervene, and the whole
temper of the authorities seemed to be directed towards breaking the link
between mother and child.”
"Wherever I went in
Russia," the Rev. Courtier Forster said on his return from that unhappy
country, "the Bolsheviks assured me that 'civilization was all wrong' and
must be done away with.
An important follower of Lenin
'We have now been at work for
two years and you see what we have already done, but it will take us twelve
years to destroy the civilization of the world.'"
This section about the
destruction of cities:
Seventy years later the
Nihilists under the influence of German Illuminism declared: "We must burn
down the Towns...What is the good of
these towns? They only
serve to engender servitude!”
love the busy life of towns
and all the amenities of civilization; they ask for better homes, a higher standard
of living, for modern conveniences that will lighten the burden of the
working-woman, for the devices of science, for cinemas and music to beguile
their hours of leisure. They do not wish to solve the housing question by
becoming nomads.
The cure for social evils—
slums, sweating, unemployment, exploitation — is not less civilization but
more. The "people" understand this very well, and thus the
programme of the revolutionary leaders is still, as it has been throughout, in
direct opposition to the wishes of the people. If any doubt on this point still
remains, if the history of the World Revolution related in this book does not prove
that the revolutionary movement for the last 140 years has been the work of a
conspiracy whose aims are entirely unconnected with the interests and demands
the people...
The author then looks at the
possibility of, and then discounts, ‘Jewish conspiricies’
Inevitably, Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, first published in Russian by
Sergye Nilus in 1902 and in English under the title of The Jewish Peril in
1920, are examined:
So striking, indeed, are
certain analogies not only between the code of Weishaupt and the Protocols, but
between the Protocols and later Secret Societies, continuations of the
Illuminati, that a continuity of idea throughout the
movement becomes apparent. The following parallels may prove
of interest as evidence of the theory that the Protocols are founded on much
earlier models”
Let us...never cease to
but let us popularize
vice amongst the multitude.
Let us cause them to draw it
by their five senses, to drink
in, to be saturated with it...It
is corruption en masse that we
have undertaken...(Vindex to
Most people who enter secret
societies are adventurers, who
want somehow to make their
way in life, and who are not
seriously minded. With such
people it will be easy for us
pursue our object, and we will
make them set our machinery in
motion (p. 52).
This vanity of the citizen or
the bourgeois for being
in Freemasonry is something so
banal and so universal that I
always full of admiration for
human stupidity. .. . . (The
launch amidst their feastings
thundering anathemas against
and persecution. This is
positively more than we
to make adepts (Piccolo Tigre
We have taken great care to
discredit the clergy of the
in the eyes of the people, and
thus have succeeded in
their mission, which could
been very much in our way.
The influence of the clergy on
people is diminishing daily.
freedom of religion prevails
everywhere, but the time is
a few years off when
will fall to pieces
We must extract the very
conception of God from the
minds of the Christians . . .
(p. 17).
We must destroy all
of faith (p. 48).
We persuaded the Gentiles
that Liberalism would bring
them to a kingdom of reason
(p. 14).
We injected the poison of
into the organism of the
State ... (p. 33).
We preach Liberalism to the
Gentiles ... (p. 55).
The third category of Bakunin
thus described: " A great
of highly placed animals who
can be exploited in all
ways. We must circumvent
them, outwit them, and by
hold of their dirty secrets
make of them our slaves. By
this means their power, their
connections, their influence,
their riches will become an
treasure and a precious
help in various enterprises..."
In the same way with the
fourth category: "We
must take
them in our hands, get hold of
their secrets, compromise them
completely in such a way that
retreat will be impossible to
We will entrust these
posts (government posts) to
people whose record and characters
are so bad as to form a
gulf between the nation and
and to such people who,
in case they disobey our
may expect judgment and
And all this is with
the object that they should
our interests until the last
has passed out of their
We will pre-arrange for the
election of...presidents whose
past record is marked with
"Panama Scandal" or
other shady
hidden transaction (p. 34).
Out of governments we made
arenas on which party wars are
fought out...Insuppressible
babblers transformed
and administrative meetings
into debating meetings.
journalists and impudent
pamphleteers are continually
the administrative powers.
The Association will employ
its means and all its power to
increase and augment evils and
misfortunes which must at last
wear out the patience of the
people and excite them to an
insurrection en masse.
We will create a universal
economical crisis.
Simultaneously we will throw on to the
Simultaneously we will throw on to the
streets huge crowds of workmen
throughout Europe. These
will then gladly throw
upon and shed the blood
of those of whom, in their
ignorance, they have been
jealous from childhood, and whose belongings
they will then be able to
plunder (p. 14).
Let us now consider how the
Protocols of the
Elders of Zion tally with the
Bolshevist programme:
The despotism of capital which
is entirely in our hands will
out to it (the State) a straw,
which the State will be
compelled to cling...
Soon we will start organizing
great monopolies — reservoirs
colossal wealth ... (p.
When we accomplish our coup
d'Etat, we will say to the
Everything has been going
very badly; all of you have
suffered; now we are
the cause of your sufferings —
is to say, nationalities,
and national currencies.
you will be free to condemn
us, but can your judgment
be fair if you pronounce it
you have had experience of
we can do for your good
We will turn our hearts into
steel, which we will temper in
fire of suffering and the
blood of
the fighters for freedom. We
make our hearts cruel, hard,
immovable, so that no mercy
enter into them, and so that
will not quiver at the sight
of a
sea of enemy blood, etc.
Gazette, the official organ of
Petrograd Soviet of Workers,
Army, and peasants' deputies,
presided over by Zinovieff,
Apfelbaum, a Jew. Date of
31, 1918).
We must destroy all
professions of faith
Bolshevist propaganda all over
the world has been
carried out by German
organization and financed by German as well as by Jewish gold. " I
affirm," wrote Bourtzeff, the Russian refugee, " that since August
1914, and in a relatively short lapse of time, the Germans handed over personally
to Lenin more than 70,000,000 marks for the organization of Bolshevist
agitation in the Allied Countries.”
Bernstein, a member of the
German Social Democratic
Party, has declared in the
official organ of the party,
Vorwdrts, that he knew as far
back as December 1917 that Lenin was in the pay of Germany. More recently,
Bernstein has learnt from "a responsible person" that the sum given
to Lenin was more than 50,000,000 gold marks, or £2,500,000.1 The Jewish
Bolshevik emissaries to the recent Tours Congress, Abramovitch [co-incidental, or related to Roman of Chelsea footbal club fame? T.R] and Clara Zetkin, were discovered by the
French authorities to have received money from Germany for the expenses of
propaganda in
France. The Jewish agitator is
the tsetse fly carrying the poison germ of Bolshevism from the breeding-ground
of Germany.
It will be urged, "But
why should Germany encourage
Illuminism, since she herself
is now a victim of World
Revolution”? True, the Spartacists of Germany today
are undoubtedly the direct
descendants of Spartacus Weishaupt from whom they take their name.
Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg
were both leading members of the Order.
Between Berlin and Moscow the
understanding is complete. Nicholas Lenin is not the controlling brain of the
gigantic conspiracy. Great pains have been taken to represent the present
dictator of Russia as a "Superman" of vast conceptions.
Lenin's own writings refute
this theory. Where in all his numerous pamphlets
do we find a hint of genius or even of original thought? The writings of
Robespierre bear at least the stamp of his personality. Babeuf, Illuminatus though
he was, brought some native inspiration to bear on his diatribes, but from the
days of Marx onwards revolutionary Socialism has always borne the same "machine-made"
character and Lenin's pamphlets resemble nothing so much as the instructions of
a bogus company promoter directing other would-be bogus company promoters how
to "do the trick."
...yet how is it that the many
ardent pilgrims
to the shrine of the deity at
Moscow have never been
able to bring back a single
phrase uttered by the oracle that gives evidence of the slightest gleam of
inspiration or of concern for the people of Russia? The one point that appears
to occupy him is how to make the system work in spite of the opposition of the
The word "constitution,"
as we have seen, has been employed throughout as
the signal for crushing an
attempt to introduce
constitutional government or for
overthrowing it when it has
been established. In the same way the word "Communism" has a double
H.G Wells:
A passage in Mr. Wells's
articles on Russia lends colour to this theory:
“Big business is by no means
antipathetic to Communism.
The larger big business grows
the more it approximates to Collectivism. It is the upper road of the few
instead of the lower road of the masses to Collectivism.”
It is extraordinary how in the
light of Illuminism many
things that are happening
today which appear at first
inexplicable become clear as
daylight; for not only do the six points of Weishaupt form the exact programme
of the revolutionary party in England, but it would hardly be an exaggeration
to say that every device now employed by it can be traced back to the code of
the Illuminati.
Now it will be remembered that
the precept most
emphasized by Weishaupt was
that the Illuminati should
not be known as such, and
after their suppression in
Bavaria every effort was made
by the conspirators to persuade the world that their Order had ceased to exist.
As the instructions for the degree of Regent expressed it:
"The great strength of
our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own
name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."
This device has always been
exactly carried out; Freemasonry, Carbonarism, Socialism, the Internationale, have
all in turn served as covers to the designs of the conspiracy and the same
method is being followed today.
Every effort is made to
persuade the public that no conspiracy exists, for once its existence is
generally recognized its defeat is certain. Its whole success depends on
But, according to the plan of
Weishaupt, the principal
activities of the conspiracy
are conducted "under other
names and other
occupations." The instructions to the
Regents go on to explain the
different guises under which one may work. Next to Freemasonry "the form
of a
learned or literary society is
best suited to our purpose and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would
have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful
engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription
libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our
labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will.”
At the same time journalists,
even in the employ
of the so-called "Capitalist
Press," devote long and
important notices to every
book that is calculated to serve the cause — works ranging from heavy treatises
on intellectual Socialism to the lowest form of demoralizing fiction. No book
subversive of order or morality ever passes unnoticed in the press.
…at the same time, all
measures of military and naval defence will be abandoned, national traditions
will be swept away, Socialist teachers will inculcate
anti-patriotism and
materialism into the minds of the
rising generation.
Just as in the first French
Revolution the advocates of "Women's Rights" were persuaded to throw
themselves into the movement, so the conspiracy today has succeeded in
capturing a large proportion of the "Feminist" movement for its
purpose of general demoralization.
M. Copin Albancelli, writing
in 1910, described the campaign being carried out by "the Occult Power"
for the demoralization of French women and children: "All facilities of
corruption...are offered to mothers of families — the
family, they go so far as to say, must be destroyed”
These words of warning written
123 years ago
might well be laid to heart by
the women of our country
and of America today:
"There is nothing in the whole
constitution of the Illuminati that strikes me with more horror than the
proposals of Hercules and Minos to enlist the women in this shocking warfare
with all that "is good and pure, and lovely, and of good report."
They could not have fallen on
any expedient that will be more effectual and fatal. If any of my countrywomen
shall honour these pages with a reading, I would call on them, in the most
earnest manner, to consider this as an affair of the utmost importance to
themselves. I would conjure them, by the regard they have for their own dignity
and for their rank in society, to join against these enemies of human nature
and profligate degraders of their sex; and I would assure them that the present
state of things almost puts it in their power to be the saviours of the world.
But if they are remiss, and
yield to the seduction, they will fall from that high state to which they have
arisen in Christian Europe and again sink into that insignificancy or slavery
in which the sex is found in all ages and countries out of the hearin of Christianity.
For as Robison truly adds:
"Woman is indebted to Christianity
alone for the high rank she holds in society...It is undoubtedly Christianity
that has set woman on her throne”.
Bebel, the German
Socialist, was more honest when he declared: "Christianity and Socialism stand
towards each other as fire and water." Yet in the face of such
declarations we find a dignitary of the Church of England proclaiming that "if Christ
came to earth today He would be a Bolshevik."
Can we not hear again the exulting tones of Weishaupt
saying, "the most admirable thing of all is that great Protestant and
reformed theologians who belong to our Order really believe they see in it the
true and genuine mind of the Christian religion.”
“Oh! man, what cannot you be
brought to believe!"
"We only want a knowledge
of the evil to avoid it...all secret societies aiming at bad and irreligious
ends are
no other than deadly illuminated Freemasonry. Let them
be called by whatever name,
they are a part of the system of revolutionary fraud, invented and cast upon
earth by Satan to compass the ruin of souls and the destruction of the reign of
Jesus Christ." The final end is " form, and that before very many
years, the vast kingdom of anti-Christ, which already spreads its ramifications
over the whole earth." Only by a realization of this truth can the true
meaning of the World Revolution be understood.
Neither greed of gold nor
power, neither political nor social theories, however subversive, could alone
have produced the unspeakable horrors, the moral perversion, the far more than
bestial cruelties that have marked its course. The description of "bloody
baboonery" applied to Bolshevist atrocities is unjust to apes. Beasts may
wound and kill — they do not torture, do not gloat over the sufferings of their
victims; savages may do these things, but even they content themselves with
torturing the body, they do not set out to destroy the soul. The spirit of evil
that finds expression in the defilement and desecration of sacred things, in
the systematic destruction of all nobility, all decency of thought and life,
above all, in the poisoning of
the child-mind, can be
explained by no natural laws or
mere human passions.
Let us not forget that the
cult of Satan which flourished in Bavaria at the same time as Illuminism, and
was in all probability connected with it, is practised today in our own
country. The powers exercised by the modern Illuminati are occult powers and
range from hypnotism to black magic, which, since the days of the magician
Cagliostro, have always formed part of the stock-in-trade of the
sect. It is therefore no
fantastic theory but the literal truth to say that the present world crisis is
a conflict between the powers of good and evil. Chnstianitv is a beleaguered
citadel surrounded by the dark forces, which have mustered for the supreme
Only in one way can it be
withstood. The words of Joseph de Maistre, who, like Barruel, regarded the
French Revolution merely as the first stage in the campaign, must be taken as
the battle-cry of the White Army today: "The French Revolution is Satanic
in its principle and can be only really killed, exterminated, and finished by
the contrary principle."
The Christian principle — that
is the force that must be opposed to the Satanic power of the World Revolution.
It is because England, with
all her shortcomings, in
spite of the recent betrayal
of her traditions in the compact entered into with the Bolsheviks by her politicians,
in spite of the attempts to poison the life-blood of her people with alien germs
of corruption, yet remains the stronghold of Christian civilization,
that the conspiracy has made her the principal point of attack. If England goes
the whole world goes with her. Marx knew this when he said:
"Every revolution that
does not spread to England is a
storm in a tea-cup." And
it was also Marx who uttered the cry of despair, “England is the rock on which
revolutionary waves are broken!"
Is that rock at last to be
Not if we hold fast to the
same principle that
has saved us in the past. It
is recorded that the Comte
de Provence when in England
during the French Revolution, said to one of the gentlemen about him, that 'if this
country was to escape the general wreck of nations, it would owe its
preservation to religion.'
"After the revolution of
1848 a Frenchman observed to Lord Shaftesbury, "You have been saved by the
religion of your people."
And today Lenin has declared
the greatest obstacle to the success of Bolshevism in England to be the fact
that the English working-man founds his ideas upon the Bible.
If the people of our country
will but realize the
diabolical nature of the
conspiracy at work amongst them, the powers of Hell cannot prevail against us.
In ignorance and indifference lie our principal danger. Every outbreak of the
World Revolution that has so far occurred has been rendered possible by the
apathy of the nation in general. Let the words of Barruel, uttered in the face
of the same peril a hundred and twenty-five years ago, ring in our ears today:
“Cease to natter yourselves.
The danger is certain, it is continual, it is terrible, it threatens you all
without exception. Keep yourselves, however, from giving way to that kind of terror
which is only cowardice and discouragement; for, with all the certainty of the danger, I
say to you none the less - will to be saved and you will be saved...One cannot
triumph over a nation that resolves to defend itself. Know how to will as they do
and you will have nothing more to fear from them."
Illuminism is mustering all
its forces for a supreme
onslaught in our own country
at the present moment. But
the nation at heart is sound
and has resolved to defend
itself. Is it possible that
this little island of ours is finally to stem the tide of World Revolution and
save not only herself but Christian civilization?
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