Thursday, 29 November 2012

The World Order by Eustace Mullins (1984)





The following is an amazing revelation from page 75 of this book.  Please note, Eustace Mullins conducted all his research at the US Library of Congress.  In fact, as a result of the publication of his books - shining a spotlight on the true activities of the world’s elites - he is the only person ever to be banned from entering the US Library of Congress.  He was also followed and harassed for years by the FBI.  (T.R)


On April 29, 1943, the Board of Economic Warfare granted a special license to Chematar Corp. of New York to fill an order from the Soviet Purchasing Commission for 2001b. uranium oxide, 2201b. uranium nitrate, and 25 lb. of uranium metal, commodities virtually unknown at that time, thus launching the Soviet atomic program.






First Foreword


The bandits of the World Order have succedded in robbing the whole world through the technique of the bal masque, the disguise which enables them to carry on their Satanic work without being identified and prosecuted. The bal masque is the ideal vehicle for this program, because the World Order gained its present power in Europe of the nineteenth century.



The reward of being a guest at a bal masque is to be one of the Knowing Ones, those who know which masque hid the face of the King, which costume is that of the Grand Vizier. The other guests never knew whether they were talking to a mere coutier, or to a powerful personage. The masses, with their faces pressed against the windows of the ballroom, know none of the celebrants, and will never know. This is the technique of the World Order, to be masked in mystery, with its hierarchy protected by their anonymity and their masks, so that those who revolt will strike out against the wrong targets, insignificant officials who are expendable.


The World Order record is one of horror, as the ghosts of the massacred billions cry out for retribution. Its true nature is described by that master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe, in "The Masque of the Red Death". "While the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence... And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revelers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."


What Poe depicts is what is actually happening to the present world under the ministrations and conspiracies of the World Order - increasing pollution, disease and famine ending in worldwide desolation and the disappearance of our species. What is the alternative ? We can survive by ripping the mask off the face of the Red Death, and by sending him back to that hell from which he came. God made the earth for living, and we are overdue in our attack on the Brotherhood of Death. We must not be inveigled into more contrived "wars" for the profit of the World Order, nor can we afford to continue to be misled by their control over the media, the education process, and our governmental institutions.



The Rothschilds


(T.R note on The Rothschild’s - with the exception of three countries, every unit of currency on this planet is owed to the Rothschild backed global central banking system, controlled by the BIS - Bank of International Settlements - in Basle, Switzerland. 

Before 9-11 there were seven countries without a central bank controlled by this system - Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran - now, in 2012, there are only three left to conquer.)


The modern world’s financial system, an updating of the Babylonian monetary system of taxes and money creation, was perfected in Frankfurt-on-Main, in the province of Hesse. Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) discovered that although loans to farmers and small businesses could be profitable, the real profits lay in making loans to governments.



Today, their holdings are concentrated in the Five Arrows Fund of Curacao, and the Five Arrows Corp. Toronto, Canada. The name is taken from the Rothschild sign of an eagle with five arrows clutched in its talons, signifying the five sons.


The first precept of success in making government loans lies in “creating a demand”, that is, by taking part in the creation of financial panics, depressions, famines, wars and revolutions. The overwhelming success of the Rothschilds lay in their willingness to do what had to be done. As Frederic Morton writes in the Preface to “The Rothschilds”, “For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe.... Because of their success in making loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits.... Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations.”



In “The Empire of the City”, E.C. Knuth says, “The fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question.” On July 8, 1937, the New York Times noted that Prof. Wilhelm, a German historian, had said, “The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruct the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.”



The House of Rothschild was (and is) the ruling power in Europe, for all the political powers were willing to acknowledge the sway of the great financial Despot, and, like obedient vassals, pay their tribute without murmur.... Its influence was so all-powerful that it was a saying, no war could be undertaken without the assistance of the Rothschilds.



On July 27, 1844, Mazzini said, “Rothschild could be King of France if he so desired.” The Jewish Encydopedia noted (1909 edition), “In the year 1848 the Paris house (of Rothschild) was reckoned to be worth 600,000,000 francs as against 352,000,000 francs held by all the other Paris bankers.”



The New York Evening Post noted July 22, 1924, “The Kaiser had to consult Rothschild to find out whether he could declare war. Another Rothschild  carried out the whole burden of the contlict which overthrew Napoleon.”



The Congress of Vienna was the emergence of the moth from its cocoon. The diktat of this Congress was a simple one – the aristocracies of Europe must submit to our will, or they are doomed.

The death sentence upon the noble lines of Europe was pronounced by those who had the will to carry out their edict. It took another century to perfect the work, not because the killers were weak, but because they wished to proceed cautiously, without revealing their full strength.



After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of Nov. 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow.

They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totalling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar.



The New York Times stated that the Czar had $5 million in Guaranty Trust, and $1 million in the National City Bank; other authorities stated it was $5 million in each bank. Between 1905 and 1910 the Czar had sent more than $900 million to be deposited in six leading New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P. Morgan, Hanover, and Manufacturers Trust. These were the principal banks controlled by the House of Rothschild through their American agents, J.P. Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb Co.

These were also the six New York banks which bought the controlling stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. They have held control of the stock ever since.


The Czar also had $115 million in four English banks. He had $35 million in the Bank of England, $25 million in Barings, $25 million in Barclays, and $30 million in Lloyd’s Bank. In Paris, the Czar had $100 million in Banque de France, and $80 million in the Rothschild Bank of Paris. In Berlin, he had $132 million in the Mendelsohn Bank, which had long been bankers to Russia. None of these sums has ever been disbursed; at compound interest since 1916, they amount to more than $50 billion.



Joseph Wechsberg notes in “The Merchant Bankers”, “There is the Sun Alliance life insurance company, most aristocratic of all insurance companies, founded by Nathan Rothschild in 1824; Brinco, the British Newfoundland corp., founded by the British and French Rothschilds in 1952; the Anglo-American corp.; Bowater, Rio Tinto and others.”



The dominant role played by the House of Rothschild in the Bank of England is augmented by another peculiar duty of the firm, the daily fixing of the world price of gold. The News Chronicle of Dec. 12, 1938, describes this ritual : “The story of the goldfixing has often been told. How every weekday at 11 a.m. the representatives of five firms of bullion brokers and one firm of refiners meet at the office of Messrs.

Rothschild (except on Saturday) and there fix the sterling price of gold. There is, however, a great deal of activity which lies behind his final act – this centralization of the demand for, and the supply of gold in one office and the fixing of the price of gold on that basis. A price of gold is first suggested, probably by the representative of Messrs. Rothschild, who also acts for the Bank of England and the Exchange Equalization Account.”

The banking houses privileged to meet with the Rothschilds to set the world price of gold are known as “the Club of Five”. In 1958, they were : N.M. Rothschild, Samuel Montagu, Mocatta and Goldsmid, Sharps Pixley, and Johnson, Matthey.



In 1982, the principal directorships held by the London Rothschilds were:

Lord Rothschild – N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Arcan N.V. Curacao, chmn. Rothschild’s Continuation, and Rothschild Inc. USA. Edmund Leopold de Rothschild – N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Alfred Dunhill Ltd., Rothschild Continuation, Rothschild Trust, Rothman’s International, chmn Tokyo Pacific Holdings NV; Baron Eric Rothschild – N.M. Rothschild & Sons; Evelyn de Rothschild – chmb N.M. Rothschild & Sons, DeBeers Consolidated Mines Ltd. South Africa, Eagle Star Insurance Co., chmn The Economist Newspaper Ltd., IBM UK Ltd., La Banque Privee S.A., Manufacturers Hanover Ltd., Rothschild Continuation Ltd., chmn United Race Courses Ltd; Leopold de Rothschild – N.M. Rothschild & Sons, Alliance Assurance Co., Bank of England, The London Assurance, Rothschild Continuation Ltd; Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG Switzerland, Sun Alliance and London Assurance Co., Sun Insurance Office Ltd. The British firms comprising the major basis of the Rothschild fortune are:

Sun Alliance Assurance, Eagle Star, DeBeers, and Rio Tinto.



For more than a century, a widespread belief has been deliberately fostered in the United States that the Rothschilds were of little significance in the American financial scene. With this cover, they have been able to manipulate political and financial developments in this country to their own advantage.



A notable advantage of J.P. Morgan’s work for the House of Rothschild was the carefully cultivated belief that Morgan, if not openly “anti-Semitic”, avoided participating in operations with Jewish banking firms, and that his firm would not hire anyone of Jewish background. It was the same deception which Nathan Mayer Rothschild had hired Morgan’s predecessor, George Peabody, to perform in London. It was a traditional belief on Wall Street that if you wished to deal with a

“gentiles only” firm, you went to J.P. Morgan; if you wanted a Jewish firm, there were a number of houses available, but the most influential, by far, was Kuhn, Loeb Co. In either case, the customer was never made aware that he was dealing with an American representative of the House of Rothschild.



At no time has the House of Rothschild ever indicated publicly that it had any interest in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb Co. George R. Conroy stated in TRUTH magazine, Boston, Dec. 16, 1912:

“Mr. Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which represents the Rothschild interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been described as a financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil.

He was hand-in-glove with the Harrimans, the Goulds and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become the dominant power in the railroad and financial world of America.”



This is one more revelation of the hidden power of the Rothschild interests in America. Not only has it directed the Rockefeller enterprises from the time that National City Bank of Cleveland, a Rothschild bank, financed the early expansion of Rockefeller, South Improvement Co., which enabled him to crush his competitors through illegal railway rebates, but it has also been the power behind the scenes of the Harriman fortunes (now Brown Brothers Harriman). It explains the frequent appointments (never elections) of W. Averill Harriman, the dominant power in the Democratic Party, while his partner’s son, George Bush, is the Republican vice-president, a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States.



It explains the secret writing of the Federal Reserve Act by Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and the even more secret deals which caused it to be enacted into law by Congress. It explains how the United States could fight World War I with Paul Warburg in charge of its banking system through the vice chairmanship of the Federal Reserve Board; Bernard Baruch as dictator of American industry as Chairman of the War Industries Board; and Eugene Meyer financing the war through his position as chairman of the War Finance Corporation (printing government bonds in duplicate); Kuhn, Loeb partner Sir William Wiseman with Col. House correlated British and American intelligence operations; Kuhn, Loeb partner Lewis L. Strauss was acting head of the U.S. Food Administration under Herbert Hoover. Meanwhile, Paul’s brother, Max Warburg, headed the German espionage system; another brother was German commercial attache in Stockholm, traditional listening post for warring nations, and Jacob Schiff had two brothers in Germany who were financing the German war effort. It was a classic case of a “managed conflict”, with the Rothschilds manipulating both sides from behind the scenes. At the Versailles Peace Conference, Bernard Baruch was head of the Reparations Commission; Max Warburg, on behalf of Germany, accepted the reparations terms, while Paul Warburg, Thomas Lamont and other Wall Street bankers advised Wilson and the Dulles brothers on how “American” interests should be handled at this all-important diplomatic conference.



(T.R note:  “The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or either so dependent upon its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages…will bear it’s burden without complaint and without perhaps suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests”

Rothschild’s of London communication to associates in New York, 25th June 1863) 


The Boer War was started by Rothschild’s agent, Lord Alfred Milner, against the wishes of a majority of the British people. The British fought a “no prisoners”, scorched earth war, destroying farms, and mercilessly shooting down Boers who tried to surrender. It was in this war that the institution of “concentration camps” was brought to the world, as the British rounded up and imprisoned in unsanitary, fever-ridden camps anyone thought to be sympathetic to the Boers, including many women and children, who died by the thousands. This genocidal policy would next be used by the Rothschild-financed Bolsheviks in Russia, who adopted the Boer War concept to murder 66 million Russians between 1917 and 1967.



Like other enterprises with which the Rothschilds have been connected, the Bank of England has been a center of international intrigue and espionage since its founding in 1694. Although the Rothschilds did not become associated with the Bank until 1812, when Nathan Mayer Rothschild increased his fortune 6500 times by taking advantage of false rumors that somehow swept the London Stock Exchange, purporting that England had lost at Waterloo. The Bank of England originated in a revolution, when William III, Prince of Orange, drove King James II from the throne. Since the Bank of England Charter was granted by William in 1694, there has never been another revolt against the Crown. The royal family has been secure because the source of money, crucial to a revolution, has remained under control.



In addition to his English supporters, who were previously loyal to King James II, William brought with him from Amsterdam the group of avaricious financiers who were also the suppliers of his armies. One of his first official acts was the conferring of knighthood on Solomon de Medina. The most important act of William’s reign was his granting of the charter of the Bank of England in 1694, although most of his biographers omit this salient fact. The concept of a central bank which would have the power of note issue, or issuing money, had already taken hold in Europe. The Bank of Amsterdam was started in 1609; its members aided William in his conquest of England. The Bank of Hamburg was chartered in 1619; the Bank of Sweden began the practice of issuing notes in 1661. These banks were chartered by financiers whose ancestors had been bankers in Venice and Genoa. As the tide of world power shifted northward in Europe, so did the financiers. The Warburgs of Hamburg had begun as the Abraham del Banco family, the largest bankers in Venice.


the Bank of England began the practice of coining its own credit into money, the beginning of the monetarist movement.



Of the five hundred original stockholders, four hundred and fifty lived in London. This was the dawn of the preeminence of the “City”, now the world’s leading financial center. For this reason, the Rothschilds identified their key American banks with the code word “City”.



Early descriptions of the shareholders of the Bank of England identify them as “a Society of about 1300 persons”.



(T.R note: we are not allowed, in 2012, to know the shareholders of the Bank of England.  This information is protected by ‘Royal Prerogative’.  I am aware that the BoE of nationalized after WW2 – so read on!)


The Bank of England has played a prominent role in American history – without it, the United States would not exist. The American colonists considered themselves loyal Englishmen to a man, but when they began to enjoy unequalled prosperity by printing and circulating their own Colonial scrip, the stockholders of the Bank of England went to George III and informed him that their monopoly of interest-bearing notes in the colonies was at stake. He banned the scrip, with the result that there was an immediate depression in the commercial life of the Americas.

This was the cause of the Rebellion; as Benjamin Franklin pointed out, “the little tax on tea, amounting to about a dollar a year per American family, could have been borne, but the colonists could not survive the banning of their own money.”



The Bank of England and the Rothschilds continued to play a dominant role in the commercial life of the United States, causing panics and depressions for the Rothschilds whenever their officials were instructed to do so. When the Second Bank of the United States expired in 1836, and President Jackson refused to renew it, creating great prosperity in the United States when government funds were deposited in other banks, the Rothschilds punished the upstarts by causing the Panic of 1837. 

As Henry Clews writes, “Twenty-Eight Years on Wall Street”, p.157, “The Panic of 1837 was aggravated by the Bank of England when it in one day threw out all the paper connected with the United States.”  By refusing to credit American notes and stocks, the Bank of England created financial panic among the holders of that paper. The panic enabled Rothschild’s agents, Peabody and Belmont, to reap a fortune in buying up depreciated stocks during the panic.



Carroll Quigley, in his book “Tragedy and Hope” (1966) notes that “Montague Norman (who became deputy governor of the Bank of England in 1916, and later served until 1944 as Governor.) said, 'I hold the hegemony of the currency.’– He is called the currency dictator of Europe.”



One of the great Rothschild hoaxes was the “disarmament movement” of the early 1930s. The idea was not to disarm, but to persuade the nations to junk what arms they had so they could later be sold new ones. “The merchants of death”, as they were popularly known in those days, were never more than errand boys for their true masters, “the bankers of death”, or, as they were also known, “the Brotherhood of Death”.



Basil Zaharoff, who began his career as a brothel tout and underworld tough, arranged for Lloyd George to have an affair with Zaharoff’s wife. Arthur Maundy Gregory, an associate of Lloyd George, was also a Zaharoff agent. Maundy Gregory for many years regularly peddled peerages in London clubs; knighthoods, not hereditary, were £10,000 - £12,000; baronetcies went for as high as £40,000, of which he paid Lloyd George a standard £5,000 each.



Although Zaharoff was closely associated with Lloyd George throughout World War I until 1922, when their association effectively ended Lloyd George’s political career, the name Zaharoff appears nowhere in Lloyd George’s extensive Memoirs. Lloyd George’s political career came to an end after Zaharoff persuaded him to help the Greeks against Turkey in 1920, a disastrous adventure which brought about Lloyd George’s downfall from political power. George Donald McCormick, in “The Mask of Merlin”, the definitive work on Lloyd George, states, “Zaharoff kept him (Lloyd George) closely informed on the Balkans. During the war, Zaharoff was sent on various secret missions by Lloyd George. The Big Three, Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau, met in Zaharoff’s home in Paris. On one occasion, Zaharoff went to German (in 1917) on Lloyd George’s personal unstructions, disguised in the uniform of a Bulgarian Army doctor. Clemenceau later said, 'The information which Zaharoff secured in Germany for Lloyd George was the most important piece of intelligence of the whole war.’” Zaharoff was awarded the Order of British Empire in 1918 for this mission.



As First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill obligingly changed the fuel of the entire English fleet from coal to oil, as a favor to the Samuel family which owned Royal Dutch Shell.



At the outbreak of hostilities [WW1], 150,000 tons of lead were shipped to Germany, via Switzerland. When shipments to France were resumed, the price was raised to such an extent that it more than doubled the price which the English paid for their lead. Free trade between Germany and France in important chemicals, for powder, etc. continued; the Swiss supplied both sides with electric power. All along their frontier great powerhouses sprang into being, facing Germany from Italy, producing iron, bauxite, chemicals and power. Zeiss products were exported to Britain throughout the war.”



Dr. Ellis Powell told an audience at Queens Hall, London, March 4, 1917; “At the beginning of the war many thousands of German reservists were allowed to return to Germany although our Fleet could have stopped them. German individuals, firms and companies went on trading merrily in British names, collecting their debts, and indirectly, no doubt, financing German militarism. At the very moment when Germans were destroying our property by Zeppelin bombs we were actually paying them money instead of taking their holdings as part compensation for damage done. In January 1915 came the vicious decision by Lord Reading (Rufus Isaacs) and the Appeal Court, according to which the Kaiser and Little William Co. was a good British company, capable of suing the King’s own subjects in the King’s own courts .... The uninterrupted activity in this country of the Frankfort Metal Octopus is not an accident ... Let me analyze one lurid case, which has stirred public indignation and anger to its depths. I mean the impudent survival of the German banks. We have now been at war nearly three years. Yet their doors are still open. They sent large quantities of bullion to Germany after the war started.”



Col. House wrote to President Wilson from London on May 29, 1914, “Whenever England consents, France and Russia will close in on Germany and Austria.”


While preparing for war, Woodrow Wilson campaigned in 1916 on the slogan, “He kept us out of war”. H.C. Peterson notes in “Propaganda for War”, Univ. Oklahoma Press, 1939, “To a large extent, the 9 million people who voted for Wilson did so because of the phrase, ‘He kept us out of war.’” Col. House later told Viereck that Wilson had concluded an agreement with the British in 1916, long before his campaign, to involve us in the war. Roosevelt repeated the process in 1939.



Having dominated the Paris Peace Conference, Baron Edmond de Rothschild saw the establishment of the World Order through these groups as the crowning achievement of his life. The “founders” of the RIIA [Royal Institute of International Affairs / Chatham House Study Group] were, one and all, Rothschild men; honorary chairman of the GFR was Elihu Root, lawyer for Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co.; Alexander Hemphill, a Morgan banker, and Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb Co.




During its early years, RIIA was principally funded by the Rothschilds through donations funnelled through Sir Abe Bailey and Sir Alfred Beit, with about $5,100,000-year; since then, it has been funded with many millions of dollars by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.  During its early years, RIIA was principally funded by the Rothschilds through donations funnelled through Sir Abe Bailey and Sir Alfred Beit, with about $5,100,000-year; since then, it has been funded with many millions of dollars by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation.



The RIIA has worked closely with the London School of Economics, which was set up as a training school for the World Order bureaucrats. The school was established in 1920 with financial aid from the Rothschilds and Sir Julius Wernher. Sir Ernest Cassel later gave the school 472,000 pounds. Prof. J.H. Morgan wrote in Quarterly Review, Jan. 1939, “When I once asked Lord Haldane why he persuaded his friend Sir Ernest Cassel, grandfather of Lady Mountbatten, to settle by his will large sums on the London School of Economics, he replied, our object is to make this institution a place to raise and train the bureaucracy of the future Socialist State.”





Soviet Russia


Soviet Russia was allowed to emerge from the destruction of World War II as one of the victors, solely because she was needed as the next “evil empire” against which the civilized West could launch a new Crusade. Because Russia was bankrupt, had lost 40 million of her population in the war, plus another 66 million murdered by the Bolsheviki since 1917, and was unable to feed herself, once again the World Order was obliged to step in with enormous subsidies of food and material from the U.S., in order to maintain an “enemy power”. The Belgian Relief Commission of 1916 became the Marshall Plan of 1948. Once again, the loads of supplies were shipped into Europe, ostensibly for our Allies, but destined to maintain the Soviet bloc.



In 1915, the American International Corporation was formed in New York. Its principal goal was the coordination of aid, particularly financial assistance, to the Bolsheviks which had previously been provided by Schiff and other bankers on an informal basis. The new firm was funded by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the National City Bank. Chairman of the Board was Frank Vanderlip, former president of National City, and member of the Jekyll Island group which wrote the Federal Reserve Act in 1910; directors were Pierre DuPont, Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb Co., George Herbert Walker, grandfather of Vice President George H. Bush, William Woodward, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Robert S. Lovett,

righthand man of the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb Union Pacific Railroad; Percy Rockefeller, John DiRyan, J.A. Stillman, son of James Stillman principal organizer of the National City Bank; A.H. Wiggin, and Beekman Winthrop. The 1928 list of AIC directors included Percy Rockefeller, Pierre DuPont, Elisha Walker of Kuhn, Loeb Co., and Frank Altschul of Lazard Freres. In their program of aiding the Communists, AIC worked closely with Guaranty Trust of New York (now Morgan Guaranty Trust).



No one would seriously believe that bankers of this magnitude would finance an “anti-capitalist” revolution for the Communists, yet this is exactly what happened. These same men financed Woodrow Wilson’s political campaigns, and it was these same men to whom Wilson referred in his opening address to the Paris Peace Conference, when he said, “There is moreover a voice calling for these definitions of principles and purposes which is, it seems to me, more thrilling and more compelling than any of the moving voices with which the troubled air of the world is filled. It is the voice of the Russian people. There are men in the United States of the finest temper who are in sympathy with Bolshevism because it appears to them to offer that regime of opportunity to the individual which they desire to bring about.” (The Great Conspiracy Against Russia, Seghers and Kahn.)

The men of “the finest temper”, to whom Wilson referred, the Morgans and the Rockefellers, did not really desire opportunity for the individual; what they desired was the lifelong imposition of slavery under the World Order, and this is the goal which they continue to strive to achieve, on a worldwide basis.



These Americans “of the finest temper” chose Lenin to do their work because he had outlined the plan they wanted in “The Threatening Catastrophe” in September, 1917, “1. nationalisation of the banks. Ownership of capital which is manipulated by the banks is not lost or changed when the banks are nationalized and fused into one state bank, so that it is possible to reach a stage where the state knows whither and how, from where and at what time millions and billions are flowing. Only control over bank operations providing they are merged into one state bank will allow, simultaneously with other measures which can easily be put into effect the actual levying of income tax without concealment of property and income. The state for the first time would be in a position to survey all the monetary operations, then to control them, then to regulate economic life.



It was the publication of this program which catapulted Lenin into the leadership of Russia via the Bolshevik Revolution. In 1917, Frank Vanderlip publicly referred to Lenin as “the modern version of George Washington.”

The Lenin program is not only the program of Soviet Russia – it is the program of Roosevelt’s New Deal, Truman’s Socialism, the postwar Labor Government in England, and the guiding principle of subsequent American Administrations. The Labor Government of England proved Lenin’s dictum that the ownership of capital is not affected by the nationalisation of the banks, when they nationalised the Bank of England. The Lenin program is the program of the big rich precisely because it abolishes private property, and puts it under the control of the state. The state is controlled by the big rich, the World Order. Here was the opportunity to subdue and control all future competition with the power of a totalitarian state, to stifle future development, and to hold the entire population of the world in thrall to their greed.  This program took Lenin back to Moscow to seize the government by force and to rule by terrorism.



Minister Copenhagen 23 Jan. 1916 – Dr. Helphand; “The sum of a million

roubles already reached Petrograd, and devoted to the purposes for which it was intended.” On May 8, 1916, Berlin requested 130,000 M. for Russian propaganda. Under Secretary State to the Minister in Bern, telegram No. 348; “It was considered advantageous to Germany to bring out the members of Lenin’s party, the Bolsheviks, who are about forty in number. The special train will be under military escort.”



Wilson promptly sent Elihu Root, Kuhn Loeb lawyer and former Secretary of State, to Russia with $20 million from his Special War Fund, to be given to the Bolsheviks. This was revealed in Congressional Hearings on Russian Bonds, HJ 8714.U5, which shows the financial statement of Woodrow Wilson’s expenditure

of the $100 million voted him by Congress as a Special War Fund.



The international financiers, advised by Gumberg, now launched a worldwide propaganda campaign to sell the Bolsheviks as idealists, selfless humanitarians, and the modern disciples of Christ, who wished only to spread brotherhood and universal love throughout the world. The tune rang strangely against the backdrop of the machine guns steadily chattering in Russia as the “disciples of love” massacred millions of women and children, but none of their devout admirers in the United States heard this as a sour note.



The New York Times noted on Jan. 30, 1918, a despatch from Petrograd, “The people’s commissaries have decreed a State Monopoly of gold. Churches, museums and other public institutions are required to place their gold articles at the disposal of the State. Gold articles belonging to private persons must be handed over to the State. Informants will receive one-third of the value of the articles.”



…the triumph and bloodbath of the Bolsheviks in Russia gave the Rothschilds and their associates one billion dollars in cash which the luckless Czar had deposited in their European and New York banks.



On Nov. 28, 1917, his associate, Col. House had cabled Wilson a few days after the Bolsheviks seized power, urging the extreme importance of suppressing all American newspaper criticism of the Bolsheviks: “It is exceedingly important that such criticism be suppressed.” The telegram was placed in a confidential file, and only came to light six years later.



In “The Unknown War with Russia”, Robert J. Maddox noted in 1977, “Wilson greeted the March Revolution in Russia as a major step toward achieving the kind of postwar world he envisioned. He made sure the U.S. was the first to recognize the Provisional Government.”



William Boyce Thompson [an official of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York] then announced he was giving one million dollars to promote Bolshevik propaganda in the United States ! Because the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was controlled by five New York banks who owned 53% of its stock, and because these five banks were directly controlled by N.M. Rothschild & Sons of London, we can only conclude that these three men were merely stating the preferences of their employer. The National City Bank had already loaned Russia $50 million, and Guaranty Trust, whose directors were the leading financiers in New York, now became the financial correspondent for Soviet interests in America.



The Rockefellers helped Mackenzie King obtain government contracts for the Canadian Army during World War I, which set King up for later blackmail (the “Panama” hold over the vassals). King sold hundreds of tons of rotten meat to be sent to the Canadian Army in Europe; boots of “leather”, which were mostly pasteboard and which disintegrated immediately in the watersoaked trenches; rifles that jammed when they were fired; and collar type life preservers (previously condemned) which broke the soldiers’ necks when they jumped into the water.



David Rockefeller summarily fired Kruschev.



As Rockefeller was no banker, this meant that the Standard Oil was being directed by professional bankers.” The Standard Oil operation has always been directed by the most professional bankers in the world, the Rothschilds; consequently, the Rothschilds through their agents, Kuhn Loeb Co. have maintained close supervision of the “Rockefeller” fortune. In 1935, Stalin expropriated many foreign investments in Russia, but the Standard Oil properties were not touched. The Five Year Plans (1928-32, 1933-37, and 1938-42) were all financed by the international banking houses.



On April 29, 1943, the Board of Economic Warfare granted a special license to Chematar Corp. of New York to fill an order from the Soviet Purchasing Commission for 2001b. uranium oxide, 2201b. uranium nitrate, and 25 lb. of uranium metal, commodities virtually unknown at that time, thus launching the Soviet atomic program. Today every American citizen lives under the threat of Soviet nuclear war.



The Rothschilds have rarely been identified with Communist causes, preferring to remain in the background. Only one member, N.M. Victor Rothschild, who served an apprenticeship with J.P. Morgan Co., had become involved with the Apostles Club at Cambridge, described by Michael Straight as composed mostly of Communists who were also homosexual. Its well known members were Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean, Anthony Blunt, Keeper of the Queen’s Pictures, and the double, or triple agent Kim Philby.


[T.R note: Victor Rothschild is nowadays widely suspected of being the “fifth man” in the infamous Cambridge spy ring.  Maybe the book Spycatcher by Peter Wright (1987) was written as a decoy.  The book was banned by PM Thatcher at the time in the U.K)


The Bolshevik Revolution, which was nurtured through its most trying days by three directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William Boyce Thompson, George Foster Peabody, and William Woodward, continues to be supported by the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System maintains close ties with the Gosbank, the Soviet Central Bank, which controls the Communist Party of the USSR. Gosbank employs 5000 economists, and is known as a “passive”, rather than an “active” bank of issue, meaning that it follows orders from other sources, as does the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. The Gosbank-Federal Reserve System “cooperation” in Soviet financial letters is handled through the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland.



Brezhnev, dictator of Russia, was asked why the Soviet Union did not take a role in Middle East negotiations. He replied, “We don’t need representation. Kissinger is our man in the Middle East.”



The criminal syndicalists who seek to enslave the entire world cannot be defeated by humility or compassion, but only by the most determined and the harshest measures. To examine the American situation in perspective, there are only five hundred men, primarily in the major foundations, who are actively engaged in transmitting international banker-Socialist orders to our government.

Beneath them are ten thousand politicians, businessmen, media personalities, and academicians who, with the aid of religious operatives, implement the orders from London. [T.R note: This may be true, from The City of London - but from where do they receive their orders?  I believe, from The Vatican] This is a much smaller number than the members of the Communist Party of the USSR which rules the Soviet Union.



The World Order sets up countless groups to promote any type of idea, and then sets up other groups to fanatically oppose them [T.R note:  this is use of the ‘hegelian dialectic‘ - in very simple terms divide and rule]  but the masters have no dedication to anything except slavery. As R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper, “The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism.” This is all you can ever know about the present world situation, and it is all you need to know.




T.R note - as you can see, the above excerpts are taken from only the first 81 pages of The World Order. 


There is far too many shocking revelations in this book for me to do this book justice.  I strongly recommend that you obtain a copy of The World Order and read it . 


The World Order is available as a PDF download from the internet. 




















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