Saturday, 24 November 2012

The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris:


On the Oustachi, a branch of the SS - Knights of The Holy See, in Yugoslavia in WW2:

"The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but
also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy".

Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy: "Franz von Papen, l'homme a tout faire"
L'Aube, 3rd of October 1946).

The "Osservatore Romano" informs us that, on the 22nd of July 1941. the
pope received one hundred members of the Croatian Security Police, led by
the chief of Zagreb's police, Eugen Kvaternik-Dido. This group of Croatian
S.S., the pick of the executioners and torturers operating in the concentration
camps, were presented to the Holy-Father by one who perpetrated crimes so
monstrous that his own mother committed suicide in despair. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

The goodwill of His Holiness Pius XII is easily explained by the
apostolic zeal of these killers. Another "practising Catholic", Mile Budak,
minister for Worship, exclaimed in August 1941, at Karlovac: "The
"Oustachi" movement is based on religion. All our work rests on our
loyalty to religion and the Catholic Church".

Cf. Herve Lauriere: "Assassins in the Name of God", (Ed. Dufour, Paris 1951, p.97 (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

Besides, on the 22nd of July, at Gospic, the same minister for Worship had
perfectly defined this work: "We will kill some Serbians, deport others, and
the rest will be compelled to embrace the Roman Catholic religion". "L'Ordre de Paris", 8th of February 1947. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

This fine programme was carried out to the letter. When the Liberation put
an end to this tragedy, 300,000 Serbians and Jews had been deported and
more than 500,000 massacred. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

The English journalist J.A. Voigt wrote: "Croatian politics consisted of
massacres, deportations or conversions. The number of those who were
massacred reaches hundreds of thousands. The massacres were
accompanied by the most bestial tortures. The "Oustachis" put out their
victims' eyes and made garlands with them, which they wore, or presented
as mementos". (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

"In Croatia, the Jesuits implanted political clericalism". (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

"The pope appeals in favour of the Catholic
Action's new crusade. He is the guide who carries the standard of Christ's
Kingdom... The Catholic Action means the gathering of world Catholicism. It
must live its heroic age... The new epoch can be acquired for Christ only
through the price of blood". "Nineteenth Century and After", August 1943. Herve Lauriere, op.cit., pp.82,84,85. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 145)

When Pavelitch and his 4,000 "Oustachis"—which included archbishop
Saric, a Jesuit, bishop Garic and 400 clerics—left the scene of their exploits to
go first to Austria then on to Italy, they left behind part of their
"treasures": films, photographs, recorded speeches of Ante Pavelitch,
chests full of jewels, gold coins, gold and platinum from the teeth,
bracelets, wedding rings and pieces of dentures made of gold and platinum.
This spoil taken from the poor wretches who had been murdered were
hidden at the Archiepiscopal palace where they were eventually found.
As for the fugitives, they took advantage of the "Pontifical Commission for
Assistance", created expressly to save war criminals. This charitable
institution hid them in convents, mainly in Austria and Italy, and provided the
chiefs with false passports which enabled them to go to "friendly" countries,
where they would be able to enjoy the fruits of their robberies in peace. This
was done for Ante Pavelitch, whose presence in Argentina was revealed, in
1957, through an attempt upon his life in which he was wounded. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 147)

In the diocese of Gornji Karlovac, part of his
archbishopric, out of 460,000 Orthodox people who lived there, 50,000
were able to hide in the mountains, 50,000 were sent to Serbia, 40,000 were
converted to Catholicism through the regime of terror and 280,000 were
massacred". Cf. Jean Hussard: "Vu en Yougoslavie" (Lausanne 1947, p.216). (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 148)

The collusion between the Vatican and the "Oustachi" murderers is clear
enough. The Holy See itself was urging Monseigneur Stepinac to
collaborate with them, and the personnal representative of Pius XII, by taking
his place at Pavelitch's table, was applying the pontifical instructions to
the letter: sincerity and cordiality in the relations with murderers of
Orthodox believers and Jews. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 152)

On the 10th of February 1960, the infamous archbishop of Zagreb, Alois
Stepinac, died at his native village of Karlovice, where he had been made to
reside. This death gave the Vatican an opportunity to organise one of its
spectacular manifestations for which it excels.
On that occasion, a lot had to be done as many Catholics had no illusions as
far as the Stepinac "case" was concerned. So, the Holy See surpassed itself
to give this apotheosis all the pomp possible. The "Osservatore Romano"
and all the Catholic press dedicated many columns to the rapturous praises
of the "martyr", his "spiritual testament", and the speeches of His Holiness
John XXIII proclaiming "his respect and supernatural affection"; these were
the motives which prompted him to give to this cardinal who was not part of
the Curia the honours of a solemn service at St. Peter's, in Rome, where he
himself would give the General Absolution. And to complete this
glorification, the press announced that the beatification of that illustrious
person would soon be started. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 153)

On France, the authors home nation, I assume:

So, the path to follow was already made clear in 1935 to "re-christianise"
France, the regime had to be swept away, and the best way to attain this was to
suffer a military defeat which would place us under the German yoke. In 1943,
this was confirmed by Pierre Laval, the pope's count and president of the Vichy
"I hope Germany will be victorious. It may seem strange to hear the one
who is defeated wish for the victor's victory. It is because this war is not like
previous ones. It is a true war of religion! Yes, a war of religion". National Radio, 2nd of January 1943. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 157)

After the Allied victory in 1945...

…it was a simple matter to camouflage the
collaboration between the clerics and the German occupier, from 1940 to
1944, and make it vanish. And this is still going on; over the years, so many
articles have been written in newspapers, periodicals, books, under the
patronage of the "Imprimatur", to sing the praise of the misjudged superpatriots
such as Suhard, Baudrillart, Duthoit, Auvity, Du Bois de la
Villerabel, Mayol de Luppe, etc.!
What a lot of pages blackened to exalt the
attitude—so heroic—of the episcopate, during the war years in which France
experienced "a situation which led the French bishops to become the
"defenders of the city"!, as a wry joker wrote. R.P. Deroo: "L'Episcopat francais dans la melee de son temps", (Bonne Presse, Paris1955, p. 103). Imprimatur 1955. (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 159) "Slander, and slander again! there is bound to be something left",
advised Basile, this perfect type of Jesuit. "Whitewash, and whitewash
again", say his successors, great writers of "historical novels".
And this whitewashing is being carried out extensively.
Future generations, submerged by a torrent of exaggerations, will devote a thankful thought—at least, we hope they will—to these "defenders" of the
city, these heroes of the Roman Church and Homeland, "dressed with a
candid honesty of white linen" by the work of their apologists; some of
them were even canonised! (Secret History of the Jesuits pp. 159-160)

Franco‘s statement to the press after the death of Adolf Hitler:

"Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending
Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to
lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his
mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the
martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory". "Reforme", 21st of July 1945.

Hitler, speaking about The Jesuits:

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now,
there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the
hierarchical organisation of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this
organisation into my own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am
founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth
which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he
couldn't say any more.." Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig:
"Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).
Pp 163

"I can see Himmler as
our Ignatius of Loyola"(120). Adolf
Hitler: "Libres propos" (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164).

Another highly placed Hitlerite, Walter Schellenberg, former chief of the
German counter-espionage, completed this confidence from the Fuhrer,
after the war:

"The S.S. organisation had been constituted, by Himmler, according to the
principles of the Jesuits' Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual
Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to
copy exactly... The "Reichsfuhrer SS"—Himmler's title as supreme chief of
the SS—was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' "General" and the whole
structure of the direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's
hierarchical order. A mediaeval castle, near Paderborn in Westphalia, and
called "Webelsbourg", was restored; it became what could be called a SS
monastery". Walter Schellenberg: "Le Chef du contre-espionnage nazi vous parle" (Julliard, Paris
1957, pp.23-24). Pp 163

Franz Von Papen:

"The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but
also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy". Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy: "Franz von Papen, l'homme a tout faire"
L'Aube, 3rd of October 1946

"The Church can condemn heretics to death, for any rights they have are only through our tolerance, and these rights are apparent - not real". Jesuits' general Franz Wernz (1906-1915) pp 166

….the papacy's "high principles" remain unchanged and, amongst other things, the extermination for the Faith is as valid and canonical today as it was in the past. A conclusion most "enlightening"—to use a word dear to mystics—when we consider what happened in Europe between 1939 and 1945.
"Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party's "old guard"
were Catholics", wrote M. Frederic Hoffet. "It was not by accident that,
because of its chiefs' religion, the National-socialist government was the most
Catholic Germany ever had... This kinship between National-socialism and
Catholicism is most striking if we study closely the propaganda methods
and the interior organisation of the party. On that subject, nothing is more
instructive than Joseph Goebbel's works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit
college and was a seminarist before devoting himself to literature and
politics... Every page, every line of his writings recall the teaching of his masters; so he stresses obedience... the contempt for truth... "Some lies are as useful as bread!" he proclaimed by virtue of a moral relativism extracted from Ignatius of Loyola's writings..." Pp 166

"The Jesuits' general, Count Halke von Ledochowski, was ready to
organise, on the common basis of anti-communism, some collaboration
between the German Secret Service and the Jesuit Order". Walter Hagen, op.cit., p.358.

As a result, within the SS Central Security Service, an organisation was
created, and most of its main posts were held by Catholic priests wearing the
black uniform of the SS. The Jesuit Father Himmler was one of its superior
officers. Pp 167

"The proposal of the Protestant Church in France that, together with the
Roman Church, they should take some measures against the rounding-up of
Jews, during the Summer of 1942, was rejected by the Catholic
dignitaries". "L'Arche", November 1958. Pp 173

…when the Nazi thrust was stopped at
Moscow and when von Paulus and his army were trapped in Stalingrad, it
was Christmas time, Christmas of 1942, and one must re-read the
Message—rather the vibrant call to arms—addressed to the "Christian
nations" by the Holy Father:
"This is not a time for lamentation, but action. May the Crusades'
enthusiasm get hold of Christianity, and the call of "God wants it!" will be
heard; may we be ready to serve and sacrifice ourselves, as the Crusaders of
old..." We exhort and implore you to take upon yourselves the awful
gravity of the present situation... As for the volunteers who participate in this
Holy Crusade of modern times, "raise the standard high, declare war on the
darkness of a world separated from God". "War messages to the world", by Pius XII (Ed. Spes, Paris 1945, pp.34 and
257 ss) pp 177

It is then with a perfect synchronsim that the chancellor-chamberlain,
during an interview given to a Dutch periodical, echoed the fulminating
speech Cardinal Ottaviani had just expressed:
"...The peaceful co-existence of nations whose views are totally opposite is
just an illusion which, alas, still finds too many supporters". Pp 187

Colonel Beck, former Foreign Affairs
minister of the very Catholic Poland (2a)".
"The Vatican is one of those principally responsible for the tragedy of my
country. I realised too late that we had pursued our foreign politics just to
serve the sole interests of the Catholic Church". Pp 191

More terrible nowadays than ever before, this Jesuitic fanaticism,
absolute master of the Roman Church, has embroiled her deeply in the
competitions of world politics in which the militant and military spirit
distinguishing this Company delights in. Under its care the papal
organisation and the swastika launched a deadly attack on the hated
liberalism and tried to bring about the "new Middle-Ages" Hitler promised
Europe.( pp195 Frederic Hoffet, op.cit., p.172.

M. Andre Mater stated extremely well the absolute totalitariansim of their Order
when he wrote: "Through the discipline which unites him, in spirit, to all his
fellow-members, each one of them acts and thinks with the intensity of
thirty-thousand others. This is Jesuitic fanaticism". Pp195 Andre Mater, op.cit., p. 193.

The Holy See on Heresy:

Anathema on the one who says: every man is free to embrace or profess the
religion his judgment considers to be right".
("Syllabus", article XV)
"... It is madness to think that the freedom of conscience and worship are
mere rights to every man." ("Encyclical letter "Quanta cura")

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